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BUZZ LIGHTYEAR...knows Latin

In some corner of the mind even the least educated keep a word or some vestige phrase of a dead language but not always forgotten and that is that with the Latin language there is no middle ground, either you love it or you hate it. Like a pearl in the middle of the ocean of mediocrity, it happens that when faced with Latin quotes or sentences, the ignorant feel attacked and the wise grateful. Julius Caesar's sentence on crossing the Rubicon is well known to almost everyone, Alea jacta est: "the die is cast (this is how Professor Doña Benedicto translated it In the classes of the Institute!How scary was that lady with the bitter rictus, icy gaze and jacket over her shoulders who did not move an inch from the arena! although literally the locution means to throw the dice, and translated into plain and colloquial language, would come to be: From lost to the river, go on.

Jokes aside, from the Latin words that our Christian tradition preserves, said with all due respect, I especially like Per secula seculorum or as I would say Buzz Light year< /strong>: To infinity and Beyond, and the one that leaves me neither cold nor hot, is the Requiem cantim pace. Amen.

With the Rosa Rosae" of the First Declension it was a pleasure to learn Latin, in such a sweet way we began the study of such an arduous language, so it was a pleasure to learn

Seriously now, what I really wanted to talk about today is a perfect or...almost perfect flower.

Of course, a rose is more than just a flower. I explain you in another post. !Have a good day!

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